
The Steamboat Member-Guest tournament wrapped up today with Steve Elkins and Mike McSally winning Gross after a sudden death playoff against Aaron Dowd and Colin Dowd – each team tied after carding 137, 3 under par after 36 holes. Jason Carlson and Jeff Wensley were low Net for the 19 team field. The gross and net teams in the money, and the Sunday out of money winners are shown below.

Below the 2024 Steamboat winner Steve Elkins and his guest Mike McSally, and the winners of the low Net, Jason Carlson and his guest Jeff Wensley.

The teams of Elkins-McSally and Dowd-Dowd along with Pro Dave Twohig are shown on the 1st tee for the sudden death playoff to determine the winner of the Steamboat Member-Guest. Steve Elkins came away with a Sandy for par to secure the win for his team. Shown on the tee are Aaron Dowd, Colin Dowd, Mike McSally and Elkins.

2024-06-23 14.43.50 sm
2024-06-23 14.44.42 sm
2024-06-23 14.43.51 sm
2024-06-23 14.44.42-1 sm
2024-06-23 14.45.17 sm
2024-06-23 14.45.58 sm
2024-06-23 14.45.18 sm
2024-06-23 14.45.59 sm