
 AGC Annual Meeting Agenda

Saturday, October 14, 2017, 2:30 PM


President’s Message – Jack Jemsek

 2017 has been a bit of an epiphany for me regarding Amherst Golf Club.   We were able to essentially replicate another solid year, making it two years in a row where we haven’t lost membership.  I am confident we as a club are going to make in the long haul, because the core of our membership is comprised of a fellowship of golfers that take pride in our course, buoyed by the innate friendship that golfers have with each other . . . because of our mutual “love of the game”.   But I also take pause with regard to the changes that the new millennium has wrought on the game:  the sluggish economy, the advent of screens dominating our lives, and the passé of our traditional pastimes.  Will we ever be the social enclave that the Club was 20 years ago?  Probably not . . . but our membership still rocks . . . my adopted slogan for the course that is used time to time in our social media was taken from our writer and past President Carl Vigeland . . . this is the place where “Whispers of a fabled past mingle with the pleasures of a perfect present”.

So on to business . . . with some resolve, our volunteer Board of Directors, Pro Dave Twohig and Superintendent Carl Teschke have amazingly kept our head above water since the post-2008 dip in the golf industry.  If you recall, several area courses went up for auction at that time . . . that is when I found a Pro in Dave Twohig who I could turn to and give me the right perspective on the game and a wonderful introduction to Amherst Golf Club. . . . Thank you Dave for all that you do for us amateurs!!

For us to have survived the ravage of the 2016 drought to the extent we have is not insignificant.  A salute to Carl Teschke is not enough . . . he needs a standing “O” for what he’s been able to do with so little during his tenure as our Superintendent.  He recruits a top notch crew, frequently calling upon his family, Kathy, Carl Jr. and Samantha to the cause, to keep the course in tip top shape.  During the year, including the winter, he also wears a mechanics hat to enable him to extend the life of our greens equipment.  As we’ll hear from our Treasurer Gordy Palley, our operating budget is slim . . . and even miniscule compared to other comparable courses . . . yet we are blessed to provide our patronage with what I think is the best golf experience in the area.  Carl must also be part magician to make this all work!

About our membership . . . we could use another 50 members . . . it would make all the difference and we wouldn’t be having some of these discussions.  Members need to recruit new members . . . you all are our best asset for sustaining the Club!  The members we have are pretty special . . . 45 of us joined in the Spring Cleanup to save the club a couple of thousand dollars in jump starting our season.  Look for another Fall Cleanup event in the December timeframe . . .

Our board is amazing . . . I thank Doug George and Carl Vigeland for allowing me to help to the extent I have, and Sam Lussier for his guidance as Past-President . . . Gordy Palley goes to the mat for the Club day in and day out as our Treasurer.  John Hunter shows great ingenuity regarding membership/marketing as our Vice-President, Carl Vigeland’s passion for the course as the Greens Committee chair is unwavering, Bob Nakosteen continues to do so much for the club as the Secretary, and Jean Gowdey and Ann Kieser champion the AGC Women’s Association.  Jack Arena, our Amherst College representative on the Board, is doing a tremendous job in getting assistance from the College, which we are in debt for their generosity.   Please contact one of us if you have some interest in assisting the Club or being on the Board.

  • Committee Reports:
    • Secretary – Vote to approve minutes from 2016 Annual Meeting
    • Treasurer’s Report – Gordy Palley
    • Women’s Association


  • Presentation of 2017’s Awards and Prizes:   Dave Twohig


  • Election of the Board of Directors for the coming year

    • President: Jack Jemsek (will serve 2nd year of 2-year term)
    • Past-President: Sam Lussier
    • Vice President: John Hunter
    • Treasurer: Gordon Palley
    • Secretary/Clerk: Bob Nakosteen
    • Women’s Representative: Ann Kieser
    • Green’s Committee Chair: Carl Vigeland
    • Amherst College Rep: Jack Arena
    • Membership Chair:  Dave Dougan
    • At Large:  Jean Gowdey
    • Vote to accept


  • New Business:

We’d like to hear from our membership at this time.  What can we do to increase our membership and further improve our golf experience at Amherst Golf Club?


  • Adjournment