
The women’s Thursday league had a fun Guest Day followed by a Luau theme feast . . . results and photos below. The ladies are rockin’ it this year!!

June 14, 2018 Guest Day Gross Morgan Michelle 37
Member/Guest Horrigan Kathy
Morgan Michelle 39
Cornacchioli Fran
Morgan Michelle 39
Johnson Dede
Net Godfrey Mary 27
Rivard Doris
Faulstick Tracy 31
DuFaultb Amber
Everden Sue 31
Mariani Rhonda
Ayre Jen 31
Potter Pauline
Morgan Michelle 31
Cornacchioli Fran
Morgan Michelle 31
Johnson Dede
Member/Member Net Faulstick Tracy 30
Syer Kara
Gowdey Jean 32
Tamsey Colleen