Member’s Court

2014-10-07 12.48.02 Member’s Court is the result of a very generous donation from the Shumway Family.  Bob and Ellie Shumway are long-time members of the Amherst Golf Club.  Bob’s parents, the late Earl and Vertene Shumway, were also members.   Bob’s son Curt grew up as a junior member and later joined as a family with his wife Elaine.

2014-10-07 15.03.23As an active couple, Bob and Ellie participated in many tournaments and club functions.  Bob was the Club Champion in 1967 and also served a term as President of the Club.  Ellie was an active member of the Women’s Association and competed in many a Guest Day and Special Cup events.  They won the gross honors in the long running Dr. John Rogers Mixed Scotch several times.

2014-10-07 15.03.35 The Member’s Court is a result of their way of giving back for all those years of golf, fun and life-long memories and friendships.  Through their generosity, the Club now has a scoreboard that would rival that of any private club.  It’s new, appealing, and one of a kind.

The added feature to all this is the Court.  Members will have the opportunity to place their name or the name of a former Club member on the pavers within the Court.  The proceeds from the bricks will be used to maintain the upkeep of the Court and other needs that the Club might encounter.  Please inquire at the Pro Shop about purchasing a memorial brick, which will come in a small and large format, for $100 and $300, respectively.

Brick Large

Large Format – $300

Brick small

Small Format – $100

Get your order form for a brick from Dave at the Pro Shop.

– article provide by Dave Twohig, PGA