Recent Club News


The Hurricane Open was played September 18th . . . great day, great people . . . all for ARHS Hurricane sports programs . . . thanks for all that contributed!

2021 Old Member/New Member Results Posted September 13, 2021


2021 Founder’s Cup Results Posted September 12, 2021



The Jones was played August 28, 2021 utilizing a Friday Night Live Par 3 format . . . it was booked and look at all the generous donors!!

2021 AGCWA Announcements Posted August 23, 2021


August 23, 2021 Update

Hello AGCWA Members!   I hope your summer is going well and you’ve been able to enjoy our wonderful course.  

It’s been a busy and fun few weeks with us holding McConnell Madness, the Girls Golf Fun Event, the Championship Tournament and the President’s Cup.  

Here are a few notes about this past summer’s league and upcoming events:  

Our fall league, organized by Pro Dave Twohig, is due to start this week on Thursday 8/26, (rain delayed from last week). Jean recently sent out the details and you can sign up with Dave.  

Also coming are the Jones Library Fundraiser (8/28) and the Fisher Hospice Fundraiser (9/3). See the most recent AGC newsletter or posters at the Club for details.  

Our AGCWA annual meeting will take place in late September or early October.  Stay tuned for a save-the-date, and also for meeting details.  As the picture changes frequently with covid restrictions, we are waiting to see what our options are.  If we can meet in person, we will see if this needs to be outside and also keep an eye on weather.  Please email me If you have any items you would like the Board, and possibly the membership, to discuss.   

Notes from our Twilight League Committee (Marie Appleby, Sue Everden, Laurie Shannon): It was a fun and successful 2021 Twilight League!  This committee will continue to run the league next year, and we are looking for volunteers to join us.  This will give other members an opportunity to learn how easy it is and to get some experience before taking over the following year.  We think an ideal number is at least three so people can take vacation and have others take responsibility for those weeks.  Please let one of us know if you are interested.  

A reminder from Jean Gowdey and Sue Everden about our remaining tournaments:

  • Saturday Sept. 11, Founder’s Cup, morning tee times, 18 holes, $15.00. We have 2 volunteers (thanks Penny Haley and Traci Sackrey) and we are hoping for one more.  Please contact Jean or Sue if you can help.
  • Sunday Sept. 19, Over 50, afternoon tee times, 9 holes $10.00. Thank you to our committee ~ Maggie Balise, Rosie Klaes, Ginny Daniels and Mary Ellen Godfrey.

A reminder from Ann Gowdey about Ringers and Chip-Ins:

  • Please note this tournament continues until dusk on September 15th.
  • I am excited to report that there are 26 participants in Ringers and Chip-ins this season and that there are more Chip-ins so far this season than in either of the previous two seasons that included Chip-ins.
  • I appreciate the effort you are each making to sign and date the Ringers/Chip-ins cards legibly, with your full names. Please be sure to print Chip next to any hole on which you chip-in. I encourage everyone in this tournament to take a chance and try to chip-in from time to time. Not only is it fun to make the shot, it will also save you at least one, and possibly two, strokes on that hole.  In addition, it gives your foursome a chance to ‘hoot and holler’ in celebration. Why not?
  • Please keep those little yellow cards coming.

As the above notes show, it is truly a team effort to coordinate all the activities of the AGCWA.  What a great team we have and I am very appreciative of the work everyone is doing!  

Take care and I hope to see you on the course,

Barbara Brown

AGCWA President

August 4, 2021 Update

Hello Women Golfers!
Some upcoming golfing dates open to all:

  • Saturday August 14 President’s Cup morning tee times. 18 holes, fee $15.00. Gross and net prizes. Committee members, Pat O’Brien, Penny Haley and Toon Fuderich are planning a fun day for us.  
  • Pro Dave Twohig has organized the Fall League starting Thurs. Aug. 19 and running for 6 weeks. Registration fee $20.00.
    • You play any time during the day either with other Fall League participants or with any AGC member. Your score is based on quota points. Dave can explain how that works when you sign up.
  •  Saturday September 11 Founder’s Cup morning tee times. 18 holes, fee $15.00. Gross and net prizes.  AS OF THIS DATE, WE HAVE NO COMMITTEE MEMBERS. If you are interested in volunteering but aren’t sure what’s involved, please contact Jean (548-9894) ( If you already know you want to volunteer, please put your name on the Tournament Committees sheet posted in the Pro Shop, or contact Jean.
  • Sunday September 19 Over 50 afternoon tee times. 9 holes. First net prize =  $100 cash from AGC Women’s Association. You do NOT have to be over 50 to participate, however, you do need to be over 50 to be eligible for the first net prize.  Let’s see what committee members Maggie Balise, Rosie Klaes, Ginny Daniels and Mary Ellen Godfrey have in store for us!


Other Aug. and Sept. events sponsored not sponsored by AGCWA:

  1. Sat.  Aug. 7 afternoon 9 hole scramble ~ proceeds to benefit the Jack Shea Scholarships for youth golf at AGC.
  2. Sat. Aug. 28 afternoon 1-5 pm 9 hole scramble ~ proceeds to benefit the Jones Library in Amherst.
  3. Fri. Sept. 3 afternoon 9 holes 5th annual fundraiser ~ proceeds to benefit Hospice of the Fisher Home in Amherst.

There’s a lot of golf coming up and we will keep you informed. Hope you can fit some of these dates into your calendars.
See you on the course,

Jean Gowdey & Sue Everden, Tournament Committee

July 1, 2021 Update

July/Aug. AGCWA News:
Hopefully you’ll be able to participate in one or more of these events:

  •  Dave Twohig, has posted a sign-up sheet for Sunday, July 4th for a 9 hole women’s 4 Ball Best Ball tournament. It’s a shotgun start at 1:30 pm with a $10 registration fee.
  • The annual Women’s Championship 18 hole matches will take place over 2 days ~ Saturday July 24 and Sunday July 25. Tee times will start in the morning and divisions will be based on handicaps. Dave will post the sign-up sheets in a couple weeks.
  • The AGCWA 18 hole tournament, the President’s Cup will be held on Sat. Aug. 14. Registration is $15 with morning starting times. Pat O’Brien and Company will organize this event and I will share more details later.

Please mark these dates on your calendars. Also, don’t forget to look for club news and tournament results including some nice pictures at:
Questions?? Please ask either Sue Everden or Jean Gowdey from the Tournament Committee

June 1, 2021 Update

Hello Women Golfers!
The Tournament Committee reports results for:

Memorial Day Tournament (Net)

30: Liz Davis, Marie Appleby, Traci Sackrey & Vera WestNet

31: Sue Everden, Megan Donnelly, Mary Lucas & Paula FrantNet

32 (match cards): Michelle Morgan, Penny Haley, Sandy Wentworth & Diane McNamara

Closest to the pin 9ft 4in: Fran Cornicchioli

Dates for your calendars:

  • Women’s Guest Day, Sat. morning, June 5, 9 holes. Sue Everden sent out a flyer to all of you last Friday with the details.  (Member-Guest or Member-Member/$30 per team/2 ball best ball). Sign-up sheet is at the Pro Shop or call Dave, 256-6894 for a tee time. Committee members Kate Hersey, Claire Christopherson and Jean Gowdey are taking care of the refreshments and hope to see you there.
  • Special Cup Sat. June 19, 18 holes with tee times starting in the morning. This Cup was established in 1902 and although there was an early period of about 30 years when this tournament wasn’t held, the AGCWA is proud to be a part in this long tradition. Eighteen hole tournament fees are $15 with prizes for both gross and net.  Marie Appleby, Marilyn Bradley and Rhonda Mariani are in charge of the planning and Sue Everden will send out all the information.
  • July will also offer opportunities for women’s golf, including the 2 day 18 hole Women’s Club Championship Sat. 7/24 and Sun. 7/25 sponsored by Amherst Golf Club.
  •  After that, the next Women’s Association tournament is the 18 hole President’s Cup on Sat. Aug. 14. Right now, Pat O’Brien has signed up to organize this event and is looking for helpers. The sign-up sheet is posted on the WA’s bulletin board in the Pro Shop. Please take a look to see if you can volunteer for this tournament or any others.

More details will follow and thank you for your support.

Sue Everden, Jean Gowdey and Tournament Committee

May 3, 2021 Update

Hello women golfers!This is the time of year that the Tournament Committee, Sue Everden & Jean Gowdey, will start sending you information about upcoming golfing events. Because we haven’t been able to meet in person, communications have been done by email/phone and we apologize in advance to those who already have it. However, new members have joined recently and we want to both welcome them and to update them on upcoming activities. This season, the 6 tournaments run by the AGCWA are:

  1. Memorial Day, Mon. May 31, 9 holes in the pm
  2. Guest Day, Sat. June 5, 9 holes in the am
  3. Special Cup, Sat. June 19, 18 holes in the am
  4. President’s Cup, Sat. Aug. 14, 18 holes in the am
  5. Founder’s Cup, Sat. Sept. 11, 18 holes in the am
  6. Over 50, Sun. Sept. 19, 9 holes in the pm

These tournaments are open to all AGC women in good standing, meaning club dues have been paid. The general procedures are:

  • Sign up at the Pro Shop when you’re there or call Dave Twohig, Pro, at 256-6894 by 5pm on Thurs. before the event.
  • Dave will assign tee times and we will email/call you with the schedule.
  • After the tournament, scores will be posted outside the Pro Shop and we will email/call you with the results.

 You will find many other opportunities for women’s golf sponsored by the Club so you may be asking yourself why are these tournaments organized by the WA.  Historically, most were established and run by the WA for many years. The Special Cup, for example, was founded in 1902 and we are proud to maintain it for future women golfers., That also means the WA volunteers to organize and provide refreshments for the participants. There is a committee sign-up sheet on the WA bulletin board in the Pro Shop or you can contact Jean at or 413-548-9894 when you want to volunteer. It’s an easy job, only 2-3 people needed and we provide a few short guidelines.With that in mind, Megan Estes and Jen Ayre will be organizing the Memorial DayTournament on May 31 and Sue Everden will send out tournament details in advance. Thanks to them and all of you! Hope to see you on the course.

If you have tournament questions, please contact:

Sue Everden
Jean Gowdey



March 12, 2021 Update

Hello AGCWA Members,

I hope this finds you well and enjoying the start of spring!

Along with warmer temperatures we are seeing an easing of restrictions related to COVID – all of this in time for our golf season to open soon.  And AGC is starting the season in good financial shape, especially given the increase in play we had last year.

There has been a lot of work done over the winter by our AGCWA members who are listed below as coordinators.

Please note that we do need your help with the AGCWA tournaments.  We typically pass around a sign-up sheet at the spring meeting, but this spring we will be meeting via zoom.  Therefore, I have attached a list of the tournaments that Jean and Sue put together – please look and let Jean know how you can help.

Below are also highlights of upcoming events and other news. 

Welcome to the 2021 season and I hope to see you on the course soon!


EVENTS (look for details as we get closer to the dates)

Course Clean-up Day is tentatively scheduled for the morning of 3/27 (AGC members bring a rake and volunteer!).  Look for another email or check the website to confirm the date and time.

Women’s Association Spring Meeting via zoom will be Thursday, 4/22, 6:30 -7:30pm.  A link will be sent out to all AGCWA members a day or two before.  For our members who do not use zoom at home, we may be able to offer a chance to join the meeting via computer from the clubhouse – we will let you know.

Women’s Association Spring Scramble will be Sunday, 4/25 in the early afternoon. 

Niners League will begin on 5/4 and continue until at least the first week of October.  Look for more information coming on this and sign-ups will be with Dave in the club house.

Twilight League will begin on 5/6 and run for 14 weeks.  See the attached document for details about signing up.

Girls Golf Fun Event (a new event to encourage girls to play!) will be held on Saturday 6/12 in the afternoon.


World Handicap System:  A new handicap system was put into place last year.  The course will be focused on ensuring members learn and use the new system.  Look for opportunities to learn about it at the course and you can also go to this link:

Massachusetts Golf Association (MGA) Course Rating:   A group of AGC members has been meeting with MGA reps.  This stems from the work done by AGCWA members last year collecting course data on the difficulty of holes for forward tee handicap purposes. The MGA is considering a course review in 2021. 

The AGC 2021 Tournament Calendar will be available soon.  This year each event will list whether it is for women, men, or both.  There are also listings of which weekend days are open play.  As with prior years, players will sign up at the Club.

Here are the AGCWA Officers and Committee Chairs this year:

President: Barbara Brown
Vice President: Laurie Shannon
Secretary: Claire Christopherson
Treasurer: Kate Hersey
Tournament Co- Chairs: Jean Gowdey and Sue Everden
Handicap Chair: Marie Appleby
Twilight League:  Marie Appleby, Laurie Shannon, Sue Everden
Niners League: Ann Kieser
Ringers and Chip-Ins: Ann Gowdey






2021 Amherst Open Results Posted August 2, 2021
