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Pictured from L to R on the 9th green are Paul Sherry, Gordy Palley, Doug George and Sandy McNiven.

Congratulations to Doug George on getting his 2nd career Hole-in-One on No 9 today during the Legends league play. He used an 18 deg hybrid on the 184 yard hole. The ace was witnessed by Ken Parker, John Lloyd and Ed Putnam. It was fitting that the Ace was made on No 9 as the Legends honored the late Hugh Clark prior to the shotgun event, who famously made two hole in ones at No. 9, but from the 8th tee box.

In Memory of Hugh Clark Posted June 9, 2021


Amherst Golf Club regrets the passing of long-time member Hugh Clark. Hugh was 95 years old and had moved with his late wife Lorie from Amherst to Seminole Gardens, Florida in 2013.

His family said that Hugh always talked about golfing at Amherst GC and his Sunday morning pitch games with the guys. He loved the memories, the stories and the laughs.  Amherst GC will always be a legendary and special place for Hugh’s family.

Hugh had a few awards along with an Honorary Club Membership plaque from Amherst GC – the certificate for his hole-in-one on No. 9 from the 8th tee is certainly unique. He didn’t like to make a big deal out of much of anything, but his family says that those memories and plaques were really special to him.

Hugh had requested that he would like a few of his ashes to be spread at Amherst GC if it’s possible . . . his obituary has been posted . . . and a “celebration of life” event will take place this fall at the club.

Rest in Peace Hugh!

Below are some photos from the Legends honoring Hugh Clark on June 9, 2021 with Brad Gage sharing several stories.


Dick Simpson, Paul Appleby, Ken O’Brien, Dave Farnham (L to R)
Ken O’Brien . . . the man with “the golf swing that has stood the test of time”

2021 FNL Par 3 #1 Results Posted June 6, 2021





Thomas Hutchings and Chad Guyott won the Jack Leaman Division of the Garber Memorial 4 Ball, and Alex Kielb and Steve Gosiorowski won the Steve Cutler Division. A hand goes out to the 16 teams that played in the Garber under some pretty difficult weather conditions on Memorial Day weekend!



The Legends hung on to beat the Wilbraham Silver Knights today to retain possession of the coveted brass spittoon (at least until the rematch at Wilbraham C. C. in July). As usual, Carl Teschke and crew served up a fine BBQ which was enjoyed by all . . . and note that the awning is finally up!
