Amherst Golf Club accepts membership payments by credit card/Pay Pal, cash or check. If paying by credit card, use the Buy Now button which will direct you to a Pay Pal site where you can make a secure payment by credit card or Paypal account. The breakdown of the cost options are provided on our Membership Overview web page.
Note the following regarding ON-LINE payment versus payment by cash or check:
- ON-LINE payment is accepted by credit card (via Paypal) and includes the processing fee.
- Payment by cash or check are discounted as shown below.
NEW/INTRODUCTORY MEMBER FIRST YEAR SPECIAL (a new member is one who has not been a member of AGC for the past 3 years)
- Individual – $960 for on-line payment / $930* if by cash or check
- Young Individual (<35 yr old) – $730 for on-line payment / $700* if by cash or check
- Family (includes spouse/domestic partner and children <= 12 yr old) – $1,415 for on-line payment / $1,375* if by cash or check
New members must also fill out the New Membership Application form which can be filled out and printed here and then turned in to the Pro Shop.
REGULAR MEMBERSHIP ANNUAL DUES PAYMENT (age determined as of April 1st)
- Adult Individual (36-64 yrs) – $1.265 for on-line payment / $1,225* if by cash or check
- Senior (65 and older) – $1.120 for on-line payment / $1,085* if by cash or check
- Young Adult (19 – 35 yrs) – $960 for on-line payment / $930* if by cash or check
REGULAR FAMILY MEMBERSHIPS (includes partner & children 12 yr old and younger)
- Family – $1,875 for on-line payment / $1,820* if by cash or check
- Senior Family – $1,730 for on-line payment / $1,680* if by cash or check
- Junior (12 yr and younger) – $190 for on-line payment / $185* if by cash or check
- Junior (13 – 18 yr) – $310 for on-line payment / $300* if by cash or check
- Junior with Family – $165 for on-line payment / $160* if by cash or check
Use the non-discounted online membership fees listed above to pay on-line using the Buy Now PayPal button below. Please ignore the “Donate Now” label on the PayPal page. Your payment will be attributed to your membership dues, not a donation. However, other payments/donations to Amherst Golf Club, which are not specified above, will also be accepted using the Buy Now PayPal button below: