In Memory of John Sutliff Posted April 13, 2022


It is with deep regret that we inform you that John Sutliff passed away last week . . . he was going to turn 80 next month. He leaves his wife Ann, married for 55 years, and his children Susan and Trey. If you would like to send sympathy cards, Ann’s address is 280 Amity Street, Amherst, MA 01002. A memorial service is anticipated in mid-May at Grace Church in Amherst.

John was a long-time member at Amherst Golf Club, and served on the Board of Directors at one time. He was a regular participant of the Biggest Losers and various leagues and tournaments at the club. The picture above was taken in Florida, after his first hole-in-one.

His presence will be sorely missed by all that knew him. Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family and friends.